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Advance Matlab/Simulink

  • Review of power electronic switches

  • Review: 1-phase half wave rectifiers (HWR)

  • Simulation of 1-phase uncontrolled HWR

  • Effect of inserting inductor on output voltage in MATLAB

  • Measuring the average output voltage in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Simulation of Diode charecterstics in MATLAB/Simulink ?

  • Simulation of 1-phase controlled HWR

  • Review: 1-phase full wave rectifiers (FWR)

  • Simulation of 1-phase uncontrolled FWR

  • Simulation of 1-phase controlled FWR

  • Simulation of 1-phase semi-controlled FWR

  • Review of 3-phase half wave rectifiers (HWR)

  • Simulation of 3-phase HWR (controlled & Uncontrolled)

  • Review: 3-phase full wave rectifiers (fWR)

  • Simulation of 3-phase FWR (controlled & Uncontrolled)



  • Introduction to AC voltage Controllers

  • Review: 1-phase AC voltage controller

  • Simulation of 1-phase AC voltage controller (unidirectional/Bidirectional)

  • Simulation of 1-phase AC voltage controller (L & R-L load)

  • Review: 3-phase AC voltage controller

  • Simulation of 3-phase AC voltage controller (3 modes of operation)

  • Closed loop control of 3-phase AC choppers


  • Introduction to DC-DC converters

  • Simulation of simple DC chopper circuit

  • Analysis of buck converter

  • Simulation of buck converter

  • How to generate duty cycle on Matlab/Simulink ?

  • PID control for DC-DC converters on MATLAB/Simulink

  • Hysteresis control for DC-DC converters on MATLAB/Simulink

  • Analysis of boost converter

  • Simulation of boost converter

  • Analysis of inverting buck boost converter

  • Simulation of inverting buck boost converter

  • Simulation of non-inverting buck boost converter

  • Simulation of SEPIC converter

  • Simulation of Zeta converter

  • Simulation of Cuk converter

  • Analysis of Flyback converter

  • Simulation of Flyback converter

  • Analysis of Push-Pull converter

  • Simulation of Push-Pull converter


  • Introduction to Inverters

  • Analysis of 1-phase half bridge inverter

  • Simualtion of 1-phase half bridge inverter (R-load)

  • Effect of inserting inductor on Matlab/Simulink

  • Fourier transform analysis and performance parameters in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Simualtion of 1-phase full bridge inverter

  • Phase shift modulation for 1-ph inverter

  • Bipolar SPWM For 1-ph Bridge inverter

  • Unipolar SPWM For 1-ph Bridge inverter

  • Design of pure sine wave 1-ph inverter in MATLAB/Simulink


  • Analysis of 3-phase inverters

  • Simulation of 3-phase inverters (180 &120 degrees modes)

  • Simulation of SPWM for 3-ph inverters MATLAB/Simulink

  • Design of pure sine wave 3-ph inverter in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Analysis of R-L circuit

  • Simulation of R-L circuit

  • Analysis of R-C circuit

  • Simulation of R-C circuit

  • R-L-C circuit Matlab/Simulink

  • Analysis of resonance circuit

  • Simulation of resonance circuit


  • Review: DC motors

  • Simulation of separately excited DC motor

  • How to obtain torque-speed characterstics of DC motor in Simulink

  • Speed control of DC motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • Simulation of shunt and series DC motors

  • Starting of DC motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • Modelling of DC motor in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Simualtion of DC genrators



  • Simulation of 3-phase induction motor

  • Voltage control of induction motor MATLAB/Simulink

  • V/F control of induction motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • V/F control using variable frequency drives (VFD) in MATLAB

  • Closed loop speed control using VFD in MATLAB

  • Soft starter of induction motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • Rotor resistance speed control MATLAB/Simulink

  • Stator resistance speed control MATLAB/Simulink

  • DC test of induction motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • No load test of induction motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • Blocked rotor test of induction motors MATLAB/Simulink

  • Review: self excited induction generator (SEIG)

  • Simulation of self excited induction generator

  • Review: Grid connected induction generator

  • Simulation of grid connected induction generator

  • Review: Synchronous Generators

  • Simulation of Synchronous Generators

  • Voltage and frequency control of synchronous generator MATLAB/Simulink

  • Simulation of synchronous generator connected with grid

  • Simulation of permanent magent synchronous motors (PMSM)



  • Review: Transformer operation and construction

  • Equivalent circuit of transformers

  • Simulation of 1-ph transformers

  • Open circuit test of 1-ph transformer in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Short circuit test of 1-ph transformer in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Efficiency, Losses and Voltage regulation in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Design of 3-ph transformer in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Practical transformer Vs. Ideal transformer MATLAB/Simulink

  • Open circuit test of 3-ph transformer MATLAB/Simulink

  • Short circuit test of 3-ph transformer MATLAB/Simulink



  • Design of transmission line in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Transmission lines Design using MATLAB labels

  • Project: Load Flow Analysis using MATLAB/Simulink

  • Fault Analysis in power system MATLAB/Simulink

  • Modelling and logic design of overcurrent relay

  • Overcurrent protection against faults in MATLAB/Simulink


  • Introduction to solar energy

  • Review: Solar Cell Characteristics

  • Modelling of photogenerated current MATLAB/Simulink

  • Modelling of diode current MATLAB/Simulink

  • Obtaining complete solar cell model in MATLAB/Simulink

  • I-V and P-V characteristics of solar cell in MATLAB

  • Effect of irradiation on solar cell MATLAB/Simulink

  • Effect of temperature on solar cell MATLAB/Simulink

  • Simulation of solar panel using MATLAB Simscape library



  • Revision: Wind energy fundamentals

  • Step by step Wind turbine modelling in MATLAB/Simulink

  • 5KW wind turbine design in MATLAB/Simulink

  • Effect of turbine speed and blade length on turbine power in MATLAB/Simulink

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