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.NET is a free and open-source, managed computer software framework for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. It is a cross-platform successor to .NET Framework. The project is primarily developed by Microsoft employees by way of the .NET Foundation, and released under the MIT License.

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Dotnet Training Course Content



1) MS.NET Course Content


  • MS.NET Framework

  • VB.NET and C# Languages

  • Developing Console Application

  • Language Basics

  • Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming

  • Working with Classes and Objects

  • Working with Collections

  • Exception Handling

  • Inheritance,Interface & Polymorphism

  • C# Features/General Features

  • Data Streams and Files

  • Working with Components/Assemblies

  • Multi-threading

  • Data Access using ADO.NET

  • Win Forms

  • XML

  • Windows Services

  • Packaging and Deployment

  • Debugging and Tracing


Basic Of HTML and JavaScript


Introduction to ASP

·  Basic Of HTML and JavaScript

·  Introduction to ASP

·  Web Forms

·  Using Web Controls

·  Masterpages and UserControl

·  Applying Themes and Styles to Controls

·  ASP.NET State Management

·  ASP Intrinsic Objects

·  ASP.NET Web Application

·  Data Access Controls

·  Caching

·  Configuration

·  Trace Functionality

·  Security

·  Globalization and Localization


Distributed Application Development


2) ASP.NET MVC Training Course Content


  • Introduction to MVC

  • First MVC Application

  • The MVC Pattern

  • Exploring Controller’s

  • Exploring Razor Views

  • HTML Helpers

  • Model Binders

  • Annotations and Validations

  • CRUD Operations using Entity Framework

  • Caching in ASP.NET MVC

  • Exception Handling in ASP.NET MVC

  • Working with Areas

  • Ajax and Client Scripting

  • Security

  • New Features of ASP.NET MVC 4.5

  • Project Explanation


3) Web Services and WCF Course Content


Web Services and WCF Course Syllabus Overview


  • Introduction to Windows communication Foundation

  • Developing WCF Service Application and Client

  • Endpoints in configuration file

  • Channel Stacks & Bindings in WCF

  • Understanding Service and Data Contracts

  • Handling WCF Exceptions/Faults

  • Message Exchange Patterns

  • Transactions

  • MSMQ

  • WCF Security


4) WPF Course Content



  • What is WPF ?

  • Types of WPF Application (Windows Based and Browser Based)

  • XAML – Extensible Application Markup Language.

  • First WPF Application

  • Goals , Benefits and drawbacks

  • Content Models


Expression Blend

  • What is Expression Blend

  • Different tabs and windows available


Basic Controls, Content Controls, Layout Controls and Menu Controls


  • Property basics

  • Type Converters

  • Property element Syntax

  • Attached properties

  • Property Inheritance


Pens and Brushes


  • Mouse Events

  • Keyboard Input

  • Routed Events


Data Binding

  • Simple Data Binding

  • Binding to List Data

  • Data Source Providers

  • Master Details Binding


Styles and Templates

  • Inline Styles

  • Named Styles

  • Element typed Styles

  • Triggers

  • Logical and Visual trees

  • Data Driven UI


Resources and Themes

Event Triggers and Animations

  • Animation Fundamentals

  • Timelines

  • Keyframe Animations

  • Animation without storyboards


Transformations and Effects

  • Commanding, Layout, Render Transformations

  • Effects



  • Fixed Documents

  • Flow Documents


Navigation-Based Applications

  • Page

  • Hyperlink Navigation

  • Navigation Service

  • Frame


Three Dimensional Drawing


5) Silverlight Course Content


  • Silverlight Introduction & tools

  • Silverlight Concepts

  • Silverlight User Interface controls

  • Transformation and Animation

  • Silverlight Controls, Resources, Styles, Templates, Graphics & Media

  • UI Interaction using Mouse and Keyboard

  • Data Binding

  • Creating Custom Controls

  • Silverlight Navigation Applications

  • Working with WCF, ASMS and ADO.NET Services

  • Integrating with the Browser (Client side programming)


6) LINQ Course Training:


C# Language Extensions in 3.5 (Prerequisite)

  • Type Inference

  • Object Initialize'r

  • Anonymous Types

  • Extension Methods

  • Partial Method


LINQ Architecture & Providers

  • Understanding the LINQ Framework

  • LINQ Providers


LINQ to Objects

  • IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces

  • System.Linq namespace

  • Query Expressions

  • Lambda Expression

  • Using Custom Class Collection



  • Defining the Data Model classes

  • Using Mapping attributes

  • Using the Data Context class

  • Defining Relationships using Associations

  • Creating a customized Data Context class

  • LINQ to SQL Designer (DBML File)

  • Performing Add/Edit/Delete/View Operations

  • Tracking changes to entities

  • Submitting changes

  • Concurrency error handling issues

  • Join Query

  • Validating Entities

  • Transaction Handling

  • Executing Stored Procedures



  • Understanding the LINQ to XML Class hierarchy

  • Create an XML document

  • Loading existing XML document

  • Querying XML using LINQ to XML

  • Manipulating XML document using LINQ

    • Adding nodes

    • Modifying nodes

    • Deleting nodes


LINQ to Dataset

  • Querying DataSets

  • Querying typed DataSets

  • Using LINQ over DataSet with Table Adapter


7) SharePoint 2010 training


SharePoint 2010 training Course Details


  • General Introduction

  • Introduction to SharePoint

  • SharePoint Installation

  • SharePoint Site Hierarchy

  • Lists

  • Predefined List

  • Predefined Libraries

  • Working With Document Library

  • Pages and Web Parts

  • Workflows

  • Security – User Groups and Permissions

  • Managing SharePoint Central Administration

  • Understanding Service Applications

  • Enterprise Content Management

  • User Profile Service Administration

  • Administering and configuring Search

  • Backup and Restore

  • PowerShell

  • Claim Based Authentication

  • Server Object Model

  • CAML and LINQ

  • Client Object Model

  • Features

  • Managing SharePoint Environment

  • Event Receivers

  • Programming Web Parts

  • Sandboxed Solutions

  • Business Connectivity Service

  • Custom Workflows

  • Business Intelligence

  • SharePoint Reporting Services

  • InfoPath

  • SharePoint Designer

  • Branding SharePoint Sites

  • Designing Maintenance Strategy

  • Upgrade Strategy


8) SQL Server 2012 Course Content


Overview of Database Concepts


Basic Database Concepts


  • Concepts of Data, Metadata, Files

  • Concepts of DBMS

  • Database Models

  • File Management Systems

  • Relational Database Systems

  • Procedural & Non procedural approaches

  • Database Design

  • E.F.Codd's Rules



  • First Normal Form

  • Second Normal Form

  • Third Normal Form


Introduction to SQL Server

  • Features of SQL Server

  • Different Editions of SQL Server

  • Components of SQL Server

  • Services of SQL Server

  • Comparison of SQL Server with Oracle


Database Design

  • Logical & Physical database design

  • Relational database design

  • Creating databases


Management Studio

  • Basics of SQL

  • Data types, expressions, operators

  • Working with Queries & Clauses

  • Creating Databases

  • Creating Tables, Stored Procedures

  • Working with Indexes & Views


Sub queries

  • Nested sub queries

  • Correlated sub queries

  • Derived tables

Implementation of Data integrity

  • Entity integrity

  • Domain integrity

  • Referential integrity

  • Types of constraints

Data Definition Language(DDL)

  • Creation of table

  • Modifying the structure of a table

  • Dropping a table

  • Working with different options


Data Manipulation Language(DML)

  • Inserting, updating & deleting operations

  • Operators, Built-in functions, Grouping

  • Working with multiple tables



  • Introduction to Joins

  • Inner join

  • Outer join

  • Cross joins

  • Unions


Working with Indexes

  • Introduction to indexes

  • Creating, dropping indexes

  • Complex indexes

  • Clustered & non clustered indexes


Implementing Views

  • Introduction & advantages of views

  • Creating views

  • Altering, dropping views


Data Control Language(DCL)

  • Creating Users and Roles

  • Granting & Revoking of Roles & Privileges


Transaction Control Language (TCL)

  • Introduction

  • Transactions process & types of transactions (Implicit, Explicit)

  • Working with Locks and Types of locks


Transact-SQL (T-SQL)

  • Introduction

  • Data types

  • Statements

  • Batch Execution


Working with Cursors

  • Creating Cursors

  • Cursors vs. Select

  • Types of cursors, locks on cursors

  • Advantages of cursors


Implementing stored procedures

  • Introduction to stored procedures

  • Creating, executing, modifying, dropping sp's

  • Executing extended sp's


Implementing User Defined Functions

  • Introduction

  • Creating, executing, altering, dropping UDF's

  • Deterministic, non-deterministic functions

  • Scalar, multi-statement, built-in functions


Implementing Triggers

  • Introduction to Triggers

  • Constraints vs Triggers

  • Creating, altering, dropping triggers

  • for/after/instead of triggers


9) Sharepoint 2013 training Course Content


  • General Introduction

  • Introduction to SharePoint

  • SharePoint Installation and Administration

  • SharePoint Site Hierarchy

  • Introduction to Apps - Lists / Libraries

  • Predefined List & Libraries

  • RSS

  • Security – User Groups and Permissions

  • Claim Based Authentication

  • Enterprise Content Management

  • User Profile Service Administration

  • Administering and configuring Search

  • PowerShell

  • Backup and Restore

  • Server Object Model

  • CAML and LINQ

  • Client Object Model

  • SharePoint Tools for Visual Studio 2012

  • Features

  • Visual Studio Templates

  • Event Receivers

  • Working with WebParts

  • InfoPath

  • InfoPath External Data

  • InfoPath Validation Formatting

  • Business Connectivity Service

  • Workflow

  • SharePoint Designer


10)Struts and Ajax Course Training


Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture


Model 1 and Model 2 Approach in Web Applications


What is a Framework?


Introduction to Struts 2.0 Framework


Struts Framework Components


  • Controller Components

  • Model Components

  • View Components


Struts 2.0 Configuring Elements

·  Administrator Elements

  • Bean Configuration

  • Constant Configuration

  • Package Configuration

  • Namespace Configuration

  • Include Configuration

·  Request Handling Elements

  • Interceptor Configuration

  • Action Configuration

  • Result Configuration

·  Exception Handling

  • Exception Configuration


Struts 2.0 Configuring Files

  • web.xml

  • struts.xml


  • struts-default.xml



  • Understanding Interceptors

  • Configuring Interceptors

  • Stacking Interceptors

  • Writing Interceptors

Expression Language

  • OGNL Introduction

  • OGNL Language Features

  • Working with Collections


Value Stack

  • Temporary Objects

  • Model Object

  • Action Object

  • Named Objects


UI Components

  • Templates

  • Themes

  • Simple Tags

  • Collection based Tags


Type Conversion

  • Built in Type Conversion

  • Creating a Type Converter

  • Advanced Type Conversion



  • Manually Validation

  • Validation Framework

  • Basic Validation

  • Client Validation

  • Field Validator

  • Non Field Validation


Localization / Internationalization

  • UI Tags

  • Validation Aware Interface

  • Action Support getText Method

  • Resource Bundle



  • Introduction AJAX

  • AJAX Internals

  • XML Http Request Object

  • AJAX UI Tags

  • Div Tag

  • Submit Tag

  • Anchor Tag

  • Tabbed Panel Tag

  • Auto Completer Tag


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