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Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by humans or animals.

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Artificial Intelligence Syllabus


Pre-Program Preparation


  • Python for Data Analysis: Get acquainted with Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming, Data Manipulation and Data Visualization in Python

  • Application on Raspberry Pi 3.0

  • Introduction to SQL: Learn SQL for querying information from databases

  • Math for Data Analysis: Brush up your knowledge of Linear Algebra, Matrices, Eigen Vectors and their application for Data Analysis


Statistics Essentials


  • Inferential Statistics: Learn Probability Distribution Functions, Random Variables, Sampling Methods, Central Limit Theorem and more to draw inferences

  • Hypothesis Testing: Understand how to formulate and test hypotheses to solve business problems

  • Exploratory Data Analysis: Learn how to summarize data sets and derive initial insights


Machine Learning


  • Linear Regression: Learn to implement linear regression and predict continuous data values- electrical processor based hardware for application

  • Supervised Learning: Understand and implement algorithms like Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression- Industrial GUI tool will be used for demonstration

  • Unsupervised Learning: Learn how to create segments based on similarities using K-Means and Hierarchical clustering

  • Support Vector Machines: Learn how to classify data points using support vectors

  • Decision Trees: Tree-based model that is simple and easy to use. Learn the fundamentals on how to implement them


Natural Language Processing


  • Basics of text processing: Get started with the Natural language toolkit, learn the basics of text processing in python

  • Lexical processing: Learn how to extract features from unstructured text and build machine learning models on text data

  • Syntax and Semantics: Conduct sentiment analysis, learn to parse English sentences and extract meaning from them

  • Other problems in text analytics: Explore the applications of text analytics in new areas and various business domains


Neural Networks & Deep Learning


  • Information flow in a neural network: Understand the components and structure of artificial neural networks

  • Training a neural network: Learn the cutting-edge techniques used to train highly complex neural networks

  • Convolutional Neural Networks: Use CNN's to solve complex image classification problems

  • Recurrent Neural Networks: Study LSTMs and RNN's applications in text analytic

  • Creating and deploying networks using Tensorflow and keras: Build and deploy your own deep neural networks on a website, learn to use the Tensorflow API and Keras


Graphical Models


  • Directed and Undirected Models: Learn the basics of directed and undirected graphs

  • Inference: Learn how graphical models are used to draw inferences using datasets

  • Learning: Learn how to estimate parameters and structure of graphical models


Reinforcement Learning


  • Introduction to RL: Understand the basics of RL and its applications in AI

  • Markov Decision Processes: Model processes as Markov chains, learn algorithms for solving optimisation problems

  • Q-learning: Write Q-learning algorithms to solve complex RL problems


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