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Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

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JAVA Syllabus


  • Features of Java

  • Java Virtual Machine

  • Comparison of C, C++, and Java

  • Java Versions and its domain areas

  • Life cycle of Java program

  • Writing first Java program

  • Analyze the tokens of Java program


  • Java data types

  • The concept of Variables, Operators, and control Statements


  • Getting Input from the keyboard using Scanner class

  • Displaying Output with printf, println, and print methods


  • Oops Concepts

  • Creating an Object

  • Initializing an Instance Variable

  • Access Specifiers

  • Constructors & its Types


  • Method Prototype

  • Static Methods

  • Passing Parameters in Method (Primitives & Objects)


  • Relating Objects using References

  • Inner Classes


  • Concept of Inheritance

  • The 'this' and 'super' keyword

  • Concept of Abstract Classes

  • What is Abstract Method

  • Concept of Interface

  • Multiple Inheritance using Interface

  • Abstract Class VS Interfaces


  • Features of Java

  • What is inner class

  • Need of inner classes

  • Types of inner classes

  • Implementation of inner classes (of all types) based on their requirement


  • Concept of Packages

  • Need of packages

  • How to create packages using compiler

  • How to use packages

  • Concept of JAR file

  • How to create the JAR file

  • Pack packages into JAR


  • What is String

  • Creating String literals and String object

  • Methods of String class

  • String immutability and its use


  • What is String Buffer class

  • String Buffer's constructor and methods

  • What is String Builder's Class and its usage


  • What is Exception in Java

  • Need of exception in Java

  • The try/catch/throw/throws/finally keywords

  • Multiple Exceptions

  • Custom Exception

  • Assertions in Java and their usage


  • What is a Java thread

  • Need of thread in Java

  • The constructor and methods of Thread class

  • Life cycle of Java thread

  • Writing Thread using Thread Class and Runnable Interface

  • Daemon and Non-Daemon threads

  • Synchronization in java

  • Thread collaboration

  • Writing a real life application using multi-threads


  • What is IO

  • Need of IO

  • Different types of IO (like from/to Buffer-pipes-files-network etc)

  • How to implement IO using different types of classes (like Stream/Reader/Writer)

  • Concept of Serialization

  • Need of Serialization

  • How to implement it

  • Customizing the Serialization (using Externalizable interface)

  • Need of Customizing the Serialization

  • How to implement it

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming in Java

The AWT (The Abstract Window Toolkit)

  • Concept of AWT

  • Need of AWT

  • How to implement the GUI based programs using AWT)

The light-weight GUI

The Swings

  • The concept of Swings

  • Need of Swings (Even if AWT is already there to implement the GUI)

  • How to implement the GUI based application using Swings


  • Concepts of JDBC

  • Need Of JDBC

  • Types Of JDBC Driver

  • Type1: JDBC-ODBC Driver

  • Type2: Native Driver

  • Type3: Network Driver

  • Type4: Pure Java Driver

  • Difference between the JDBC Drivers

  • Connecting with Databases (Access, My Sql, and Oracle)

  • Implementing Collection Framework with Databases

Project 1:

  • Implementation of a GUI based project. This project will be the combination of Java Swings (for implementing the GUI) and the Java Database Connectivity (for fetching/storing the data from the database)

Reflection API

  • What is reflection API

  • Need of reflection

  • The Method, Field, Constructor, and Modifier class

  • Implementation of the reflection concepts


  • Introduction of Collection Framework

  • Need of Collection

  • Collection API (the classes and interfaces)

  • The methods of Collection interface

  • List Interface (the Array List, Vector, Linked List, and Stack classes)

  • The Iterate, ListIterator, and Enumeration interface

  • Set Interface (the HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet classes)

  • Map Interface (the HashTable, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, classes)

  • The Comparable and Comparator interfaces

  • The TreeMap and TreeSet classes

  • How Collection Framework is used in industry (In Real Project Development)


  • Introduction of Collection Framework

  • Introduction of Servlet

  • Difference b/w CGI and Servlet

  • Lifecycle Methods Of Servlet

  • Servlet Implementation & Configuration

  • ServletRequest and ServletResponse Interface and their method

  • SevletConfig and ServletContext Interface and their method

  • Introduction of Web server i.e. Glassfish, Tomcat, Weblogic

  • Introduction to IDE(Integrated Development Environment) like: Eclipse, NetBeans

  • Introduction of JSP

Project 2:

  • Implementation of a Web Based project. This project will be the combination of Servlet/JSP (for implementing the web application) and the Java Database Connectivity (for fetching/storing the data from the database). It this project some other technologies like HTML, CSS, Java script, and AJAX will also be discussed

Struts 2.x

  • Introduction Of MVC Design Pattern

  • Introduction of Sututs2

  • Struts2.x Architecture

  • Introduction of Component of Struts 2 like: Action, Results & Interceptors

  • Heart of Struts2.x i.e. Interceptor

  • Working of Param Interceptor

  • Working of Model Driven Interceptor

  • Working of ServletConfig Interceptor

  • Working of ExecAndwait Interceptor

  • Working of Validation Interceptor

  • Object Graph Navigation Language(OGNL)

  • Struts 2 Dynamic Method Invocation

  • Struts 2 Tags

  • Struts 2 UI Tags

  • Struts 2 Control Tags

  • Struts 2 Tile Introduction

  • Integrating Struts2 and Hibernate


  • Spring 2.x Overview

  • All Modules Of Spring

  • Introduction to Inversion Of Control configuration of Spring

  • Dependency Injection

  • Constructor Injection

  • Setter Injection

  • Object Creation using Factory Method

  • Lifecycle Management Of Objects

  • Auto wiring Of Beans using Xml

  • Auto Discovery Of Beans using Xml

  • Introducing Annotation in Spring

  • Auto wiring Of Beans using Annotation

  • Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming

  • Using Spring with JDBC

  • Use of JDBC Template

  • Using Spring with Hibernate

  • Use of Hibernate Template

  • Using Spring with JNDI

  • Introduction to Spring MVC

  • Integrating Spring MVC with Hibernate

  • Integrating with Struts2

  • Integrating with Struts2 and Hibernate


  • Introduction of Hibernate Framework

  • Introduction of Session Factory & Session Interface

  • Scope of Session Factory and Session Interface

  • Database Persistence Using Hibernate

  • Is-A Mapping

  • Single Table Mapping

  • Table Per Subclass

  • Has-A Mapping

  • One to One Mapping

  • One to Many Mapping

  • Many to many Mapping

  • Introduction to HQL

  • Importance of HQL

  • Difference b/w HQL and SQL

  • Implementing HQL

  • Introducing More Powerful and Flexible Criteria API

  • Introducing Pagination

  • Implementing Pagination using HQL and Criteria API

  • Invoking Stored Procedure and function of Database using HQL and Criteria API

  • Introduction to Caching

  • Introducing 1st Level Caching

  • Introducing 2nd Level Caching

Project work is mandatory after the completion of the training program.


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