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1-Agro Farm designing, demarking and Lay outing

Professional landscaping design software makes it easy to create and visualize accurate, scaled plans. Landscape architects and designers can build 2D and 3D technical drawings of planting designs, hardscape, topography and more, all before constructing a landscape.


2-Designing of Modern Irrigation systems.                                          

An automatic irrigation system does the operation of a system without requiring manual involvement of persons. Every irrigation system such as drip, sprinkler and surface gets automated with the help of electronic appliances and detectors such as computer, timers, sensors and other mechanical devices.

3-Agri-Electro-(A Brief study of electronic implementation in smart agro.)

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture provides international coverage of advances in the development and application of computer hardware, software and electronic instrumentation and control systems for solving problems in agriculture and related industries. These include agronomy, horticulture (in both its food and amenity aspects), forestry, aquaculture, animal/livestock science, veterinary medicine, and food processing.

4- Automated seeding methodologies.

Various automated seeding machines there Classification, operation and use will be discussed.

5-Modern pesticide spraying and controlling methodologies.

The most important goal in the application of agricultural pesticides is to get uniform distribution of the chemicals throughout the crop foliage. Underdosing may not give the desired coverage and control needed. Overdosing is expensive as it wastes pesticide and increases the potential for groundwater contamination.

Two general types of sprayers are available for greenhouse application of pesticides: hydraulic and low-volume. There are many variations of these that fit particular crops or growing methods.

In the hydraulic sprayer, a pump supplies energy that carries spray material to the target (plant foliage). Water is the carrier and the pump creates the pressure at 40-1000 psi. Spray material is usually applied to "wet" or "drip." Nozzles on the boom or handheld gun break the spray into small droplets and direct it to the foliage.

In a low-volume (LV) sprayer, spray material in a water or oil carrier is injected into a high-speed air stream developed by a fan, blower or compressor. In most LV sprayers, a small pump is used to inject a concentrate pesticide solution into the air stream. The speed of the air stream may be as high as 200 mph. To get sufficient coverage, the air within the foliage canopy must be replaced with air that contains the pesticide. As the droplet size is much smaller, good coverage can be achieved with less chemical.


6-Solar System design for applied modern agriculture techniques.

Solar panels lower agricultural businesses’ and farms’ power expenses. Solar power is a business asset that pays for itself by taking advantage of accelerated depreciation, tax incentives, and maintenence free technology. The return that an efficient solar electric—or photovoltaic (PV)—system yields is much better than comparable investments in today’s market.

By hedging bets against rising energy costs and lowering monthly overhead, a solar panel system for agriculture is a great way to invest.


7-Organic bi-product & weed management.

Development in the field of allelopathy for weed management has led to new techniques for weed control. The remarkable role of biotechnological advancements in developing herbicide-resistant crops, bioherbicides, and harnessing the allelopathic potential of crops is also worth mentioning in a modern weed management program. Thermal weed management has also been observed as a useful technique, especially under conservation agriculture systems. Last, precision weed management has been elaborated with sufficient details. The role of remote sensing, modeling, and robotics as an integral part of precision weed management has been highlighted in a realistic manner. All these strategies are viable for today’s agriculture; however, site-specific selection and the use of right combinations will be the key to success. No single strategy is perfect, and therefore an integrated approach may provide better results. Future research is needed to explore the potential of these strategies and to optimize them on technological and cultural bases. The adoption of such methods may improve the efficiency of cropping systems under sustainable and conservation practices.


8-Drone Farming- A boom to modern farming

An agricultural drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle applied to farming in order to help increase crop production and monitor crop growth. Sensors and digital imaging capabilities can give farmers a richer picture of their fields. This information may prove useful in improving crop yields and farm efficiency.

Agricultural drones let farmers see their fields from the sky. This bird's-eye view can reveal many issues such as irrigation problems, soil variation, and pest and fungal infestations. Multispectral images show a near-infrared view as well as a visual spectrum view. The combination shows the farmer the differences between healthy and unhealthy plants, a difference not always clearly visible to the naked eye. Thus, these views can assist in assessing crop growth and production.

Additionally, the drone can survey the crops for the farmer periodically to their liking. Weekly, daily, or even hourly, pictures can show the changes in the crops over time, thus showing possible “trouble spots”. Having identified these trouble spots, the farmer can attempt to improve crop management and production.


9-Software based supervision and controlling of Agro-machines.

Well-configured SCADA software should follow the functional organization of the plant and may be observed as a set of graphic screens. There is usually one (or several) initial screens where the image of the whole plant is presented. This screen serves only for supervising the plant and the main parameters of the process. If the plant is large, there may be several images showing certain parts of the plant. Controlling the machines (switching the motor on and off, opening and closing the valves) is available to the operators by clicking the left button of the mouse onto the appropriate machine. If the additional protection is needed, the actions of the operators may be coded so only the operators who know the password may perform the action

10-IOT implementation in agriculture.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the capability to transform the world we live in; more-efficient industries, connected cars, and smarter cities are all components of the IoT equation. However, the application of technology like IoT in agriculture could have the greatest impact.

The global population is set to touch 9.6 billion by 2050. So, to feed this much population, the farming industry must embrace IoT. Against the challenges such as extreme weather conditions and rising climate change, and environmental impact resulting from intensive farming practices, the demand for more food has to be met.

Smart farming based on IoT technologies will enable growers and farmers to reduce waste and enhance productivity ranging from the quantity of fertilizer utilized to the number of journeys the farm vehicles have made.


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