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Software testing tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of software testing. Our software testing tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals.

Software testing is widely used technology because it is compulsory to test each and every software before deployment.

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Basic concepts

  • Basic Testing Vocabulary

  • Quality Assurance versus Quality Control

  • The Cost of Quality

  • Software Quality Factors

  • How Quality is Defined

  • Why Do We Test Software?

  • What is a Defect?

  • The Multiple Roles of the Software Tester(People Relationships)

  • Scope of Testing

  • When Should Testing Occur?

  • Testing Constraints

  • Life Cycle Testing

  • Independent Testing

  • What is a  QA Process?

  • Levels of Testing

  • The “V” Concept of Testing

Week 2:

Testing Techniques

  • Structural versus Functional Technique Categories

  • Verification versus Validation

  • Static versus Dynamic Testing

  • Examples of Specific Testing Techniques

Test Administration

  • Test Planning

  • Customization of the Test Process

  • Budgeting

  • Scheduling

Create the Test Plan

  • Prerequisites to test planning

  • Understand the Characteristics of the Software Being Developed

  • Build the Test Plan

  • Write the Test Plan

Week 3:

  • Test Cases:

  • Test case Design

  • Building test cases

  • Test data mining

  • Test execution

  • Test Reporting

  • Defect Management

  • Test Coverage – Traceability matrix

Test Metrics – Guidelines and usage

Test reporting:

  • Guidelines for writing test reports

Week 4:

Test Tools used to Build Test Reports

Managing Change

  • Software Configuration Management

  • Change Management

Risks – Risk Analysis and Management with examples
User Acceptance testing – in detail explanation with details
Case Study: How to test web, stand alone and database applications – with examples.
Help with resume and testing interview skills.

Software Testing Training Course Week 5:

Automation Testing Basics

  • Basics of automation testing – why, when and how to perform automation testing

  • Factors for choosing a particular tool

  • An overview for the major functional testing tools

  • Overview of Test management and bug tracking tools





Selenium Course Syllabus

Selenium Training Course Syllabus

Java Essentials for Selenium

Java Programming Basics

  • Installing Java

  • Installing Eclipse

  • First Eclipse Project

  • First Java program

  • Concept of class file

  • Datatypes in Java

  • String class and functions

  • Conditional Statements

  • Loops

  • Arrays

  • Single Dimensional Arrays

  • Two Dimensional arrays

  • Practical usage of arrays in Selenium

  • Operators

  • What are Functions?

  • Function Input Parameters

  • Function Return Types

  • Object-Oriented Programming in Java

  • Local Variables

  • Global Variables

  • Static and Non-Static Variables

  • Static and Non-Static Functions

  • Creating Objects in Java

  • Meaning of static

  • Why is main method static?

  • Object and Object References

  • Call by reference and Value

  • Overloading and Overriding Functions

  • Access Modifiers – Public/Private/Default/Protected

  • Constructors

  • Interface

  • Usage of Objects in Selenium

  • Inheritance

  • Usage of Inheritance in Selenium

  • Creating Packages

  • Accessing Classes across Packages

Exception Handling

  • Exception handing with try catch block

  • Importance of exception handling

  • Exception and Error

  • Throwable Class

  • Final and Finally

  • Throw and Throws

  • Different Types of Exceptions

  • Need of exception handling in Selenium framework

Automating Excel file Operations

  • Creating/Opening XLS Files

  • Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files

  • Counting Rows and Columns

  • Filling BG/Font Colours

  • Practical Examples

Automating Text File Operations

  • Creating/Opening Text Files

  • Reading/Writing Text Files

  • Practical Examples

Automating Database Operations

  • Connecting to Databases

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • SQL Server

  • Sending SQL Queries to Database

  • Process the Results

  • Practical Examples



  • What is Selenium?

  • Who developed Selenium?

  • Selenium Components

Selenium IDE

  • Installing Selenium IDE

  • Creating your First Selenium IDE script

  • How to use Locators in Selenium IDE

  • How to enhance a script using Selenium IDE

  • Creating and Running Tests

  • Creating and Running Test Suite

WebDriver Introduction

  • Introduction to WebDriver & Comparison with Selenium RC

  • Installing Selenium WebDriver

  • Architecture of selenium Webdriver

  • Creating your First Script in Webdriver

Launching AUT and Inspecting properties of Elements

  • Launching AUT in FireFox

  • Launching AUT in InternetExplorer

  • Launching AUT in Chrome

  • Launching AUT in Safari

  • Inspecting properties of Elements on different Browsers

  • Installing FireBug and FirePath

  • Creating FireFox Profile

Automating Operations on various Elements

  • Browser

  • TextBox

  • ListBox

  • Links

  • Check Box

  • Radio Button

  • HTML Tables

  • Calendars

Automating Keyboard and Mouse Events

  • Action Class

  • KeyBoard Events

  • Drag & Drop Actions

  • Mouse Hover Action

  • RightClick, Double Click & Tool Tip

Handling multiple Windows

  • getwindowHandle()

  • getwindowHandles()

  • Switching between windows

  • Handling elements present in different windows

Handling Alerts

  • accept()

  • dismiss()

  • getText()

  • sendKeys()

Handling Frames

  • What is iFrame?

  • Locating Frames

  • Switching between Frames

  • Handling Frames

Handling Ajax Components

  • Handling Ajax Components

Creating Customize XPath/CSS Selectors

  • What is XPath

  • When to Use XPath

  • Absolute XPath/Relative XPath

  • Specifying conditions with XPath

  • CSS Selectors

  • Customizing CSS Selector


  • ImplicitWait

  • WebDriverWait

  • FluentWait


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