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The world is becoming closer and closer. Things are becoming smaller and smaller.

Embedded electronics and robotics have a key role to play in the advancement of the current technology that we see. An Embedded system combines the key hardware and the software together for achieving a specific requirement of the fast-moving world. Here at Ambit, we provide the foundation and the branches for you to climb the ladder of Electronics and Robotics.

The world of Embedded Electronics and Robotics is wide and vast.

  • Home appliances and gadgets

  • Computers and laptops

  • Automobile industries

  • Camerasli

  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (Drones)

  • Humanoids

  • Industry automation robots

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Embedded Systems and Robotics-syllabus

  • Basic Electronics

    • Electricity

    • Circuits

    • Resistance

    • Resistor

    • Capacitors

    • Diodes

    • Transistor

    • IC

    • Potentiometer

    • Led

    • Switch

    • Battery

    • Breadboard

    • First circuit

    • Second circuit



    • Introduction to C

    • C tokens

    • Kewords

    • Identifiers

    • Constants

    • Strings

    • Special symbols

    • Data types

    • Operators

    • Input output functions

    • Decision making statements

    • .else

    • Switch

    • Looping statements

    • While

    • Do while

    • For

    • Continue

    • Goto

    • Infinite loops

    • Array concept

    • String Concept

    • Functions

    • Structure

    • Pointer

    • Files

    • Dynamic memory allocation

    • Linked list

    Pic 16F877A, ATMEGA32(AVR), ARM7 LPC2138

    • Introduction to pic microcontroller

    • Input output pin configuration

    • Led blink

    • Switch interfacing

    • Lcd(LM016L) interfacing

    • Motor interfacing using L293D

    • Keypad Interfacing

    • UART

    • Transmit data

    • Recieve data

    • Analog to digital convertor(ADC)

    • Introduction to Timers

    • Introduction to PWM

    • Interrupts


    • GPIO input output Configurations

    • Switching concepts

    • Serial data transfer

    • Pin mode

    • Analog data concepts

    • DAC

    • Resolution

    • PWM

    • Delay functions

    • LDR

    • Menu driven device concept

    • Pattern printing

    • Lcd

    • DHT11

    • Relay interfacing

    • BJT

    • MOSFET

    • PIR

    • I2c

    • Spi

    • Multiple arduino communication

    • Arduino as master and slave

    • Sensor integration

    Raspberry Pi


    • Introduction to Python

    • Introduction to raspberry pi

    • General features and specification

    • Basic modules needed

    • Raspian os

    • Configuration

    • GPIO pins

    • Configuring GPIO and programming

    • Face detection


    Internet of things

    • IOT basics

    • Sensors for IOT

    • Introduction to Esp8266

    • Introduction to Nodemcu

    • LED Blink

    • Switch interfacing

    • Reading analog signals

    • Dimming an LED

    • Controlling servo motor

    • Measuring data from digital sensor

    • Connecting the ESP8266 to your local wifi network

    • Connecting the ESP8266 to a cloud server

    • Simple WiFi web server

    • Posting the sensor data online

    • Retrieving online data

    • Introduction to Thingspeak

    • How to upload values in thingspeak using IOT

    PCB Design and Fabrication

    • EagleCad

    • Board designining

    • Schematic design

    • Printed circuit boards cocepts

    • Schematic design

    • Layout design

    • Layout design with complex circuits

    • Single pcb fabrication


    • Introduction of operating system

    • Functions of OS

    • Types of OS

    • Introduction of RTOS

    • Introduction of FreeRTOS

    • what is task

    • What is multitasking

    • Concept of Mutex

    • Concept of Queue

    • Concept of Semaphore


    • GSM

    • GPS

    • RFID


    Wireless Communication

    • Bluetooth

    • Zigbee



    • SPI

    • I2C




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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